Eating well for a full, healthy life at every age

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Almonds - the King of Nuts

Did you know that nuts, including almonds, have received a qualified health claim form the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as a result of their health benefits?  Eating 1.5 ounces of nuts per day has been shown to provide special health benefits including promoting heart health, a healthy weight, and a healthy digestive system. 

Almonds are rich in vitamin E and minerals such as manganese, magnesium, copper and phosphorus.  Although ¼ cup contains about 18 grams of fat, the majority is heart healthy monounsaturated fat which has been associated with lower levels of LDL cholesterol.  The key is to replace other foods containing saturated fat with almonds.  For example, instead of eating an ounce of cheddar cheese for a snack or on your salad, try almonds instead. 

How to select almonds

It is best to choose raw almonds since “dry roasted” may be cooked at high temperatures that damage their natural oils.  If you prefer the roasted taste of almonds, it is quick and easy to dry roast them yourself.  Simply roast them on a baking sheet in a 200 degree oven for about 15 minutes.  Store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator to protect them from rancidity. 

Almonds are easy to incorporate into your snacks and meals.  Put chopped almonds on your cereal, mixed in your yogurt, or on rice or salads.  Carry a mixture of almonds and dried fruit with you for a quick snack.  You can also find almond butter near peanut butter in the store or buy it freshly ground at your nearest natural health food store.  Almond butter is great on toast, fresh apple slices, or celery sticks.

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