Eating well for a full, healthy life at every age

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Bananas - Portable and Packed with Potassium

Bananas are loved by almost everyone from toddlers to endurance athletes.  The sweet taste and creamy texture make them the most popular fruit in the United States.   Most people know that bananas are a rich source of potassium, but did you know that one banana provides approximately 1/3 of the daily value of vitamin B6 and 10 mg of vitamin C?  They are also a good source of fiber, manganese and carotenoids (pre-cursers of vitamin A such a beta-carotene.)
The nutrients in bananas promote heart health, stomach health, proper elimination and optimal antioxidant status.  Vitamin B6 is important in keeping levels of homocysteine in balance, a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.  The daily recommended intake of potassium is 4700 mg for adults, and one banana provides between 450-500 mg.  Other great sources of potassium are baked potatoes with the skin, dried plums, acorn squash, lima beans and spinach.  Eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables will ensure that you meet the requirement for potassium.  A number of studies indicate that groups with relatively high dietary potassium intakes have lower blood pressures than comparable groups with relatively low potassium intakes.
Bananas are widely available and store well at room temperature.   If your bunch ripens faster than you can eat them, store them in the refrigerator to slow the ripening process.  The peels will turn black but the flesh will not be affected.  Another option is to slice them and freeze them to enjoy in smoothies.
Enjoy bananas as a snack; add sliced bananas to cereal, oatmeal, fruit salad, yogurt or frozen yogurt.  While banana bread and muffins are also delicious, temperatures used in baking destroy essential nutrients and enzymes.  A banana a day may keep the doctor away!

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