Eating well for a full, healthy life at every age

Monday, August 29, 2011

Gluten-Free Yeast Rolls

During the last two years I discovered that wheat and my digestive tract are no longer friends.  They probably never were but only recently did I have the courage to eliminate wheat from my diet.  I've found it is easiest to choose gluten-free products - where there is no gluten there is no wheat!

The one thing I have missed is a good yeast roll for sandwiches or burgers.  I've also missed the wonderful experience of fresh baked bread, including the aroma while it is baking and the enjoyment of eating it warm from the oven.

While attempting to grocery shop without my glasses, I accidentally picked up a Bob's Red Mill "Homemade Wonderful Bread Mix" instead of the biscuit mix I'd intended to buy.  

I decided to experiment to see if I could use the mix to make a roll suitable for a burger bun.  The first time I made them, they were irregular shaped blobs that quickly fell after I'd baked them.  I didn't cover them while they were baking and they browned too quickly, which resulted in my pulling them out of the oven a bit early. 

Today I made them again, and results lived up to the "Homemade Wonderful" label.  I wanted to share this with all of the gluten-free foodies who may also be missing yeast rolls and want to get adventurous in the kitchen.  Simply mix according to the directions and shape them into circular mounds instead of putting the dough in a bread pan.  I baked them for 20 minutes and covered them with foil after 10 minutes to prevent over browning.

They freeze well and are good enough for everyone to enjoy, gluten-free or not.  Enjoy!

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